Implen OD600® Performance

The Implen OD600® is a user-friendly device for measuring sample optical density at ~600 nm, ideal for various applications including cell growth rates and McFarland turbidity measurements.
It measures light scattering at 600 nm, reflecting cell density in liquid media. This non-invasive technique ensures precise readings by accounting for factors like cell size, shape, and debris presence.

The OD600 method is a cornerstone in microbiology, pivotal for:

Accurate Growth

Throughout the growth phases—lag, log (exponential), stationary, and decline—our device tracks the progression accurately, enabling scientists to harvest cells at peak vitality.

Experimental Timing

Cultures are typically grown until reaching an OD600 of approximately 0.4, ensuring cells are in the exponential growth phase for maximum efficiency.


Ideal for microbiology labs, the Implen OD600® empowers researchers to make informed decisions about culture management, resulting in consistent and reliable experimental outcomes.

Implen OD600® Key Features and Benefits

  • Measures growth rates of diverse cell types using OD600 and McFarland methods.
  • The photometric range: OD600: 0 – 4 A and McFarland: 0 – 16 MFU.
  • Reliable and accurate measurements for various cell types, including E. coli and yeast, with an accuracy of OD600: @ 1A: < ±0.01 A and McFarland: @ 0 – 8 MFU: ≤ ±0.1 MFU.
  • OD600: @ 1A: < ±0.01 A and McFarland: @ 0 – 8 MFU: ≤ ±0.1 MFU
  • The device is easy to operate with a 3.5″ crevice-free, glove-compatible touchscreen with resolution of 480 x 320 pixels
  • The display features a smooth glass surface ideal for use in laminar flow or biosafety hoods. Additionally, the device can be used in incubation chambers and under anaerobic conditions.*
  • The device is very easy to clean with water, ethanol, or other cleaning agents.
  • The glass plate is completely wipeable, and the cuvette shaft can be wiped, ensuring easy maintenance and hygiene.
  • The device comes equipped with two built-in programs: OD600 and McFarland, complemented by a built-in Sample list function for effortless data management and export.
  • The OD600 program enables the monitoring of bacterial growth in liquid culture media by measuring the optical density at 600 nm (OD600), crucial for determining the stage of growth and ensuring optimal harvesting conditions.
  • With the McFarland program, users can estimate cell suspension density by comparing it to standard turbidity solutions, simplifying antimicrobial susceptibility testing and bacterial inoculum preparation.
  • The Implen OD600® features an intuitive, user-friendly interface based on the app system used in the NanoPhotometer® line.
  • The device supports various cuvettes and test tubes without the need for an adapter, including DiluCells, 10 mm macro and semi-micro cuvettes, and 10, 12, 16, and 18 mm glass/falcon tubes.
  • The device features a convenient ambient LED light strip that pulsates while the instrument is charging.
  • The Implen OD600® is a modern, stand-alone device with an integrated battery that offers over 8 hours of uninterrupted operation.
  • It features both an external power adapter and an internal rechargeable battery.
  • Weighing only 0.6 kg and measuring 140 x 110 x 70 mm, this compact device is easily portable and fits any scientific setup.
  • Its unlimited mobility makes it suitable for use in field work, safety cabinets, and also in incubation chambers even under anaerobic conditions*
  • The device includes 4GB of internal storage for efficient data management, enabling access to all previously measured sample data through the sample list feature.
  • It also features a multilingual interface accessible in English, Chinese, Japanese, German, Spanish, and French, catering to a global user base.
  • The Implen OD600® instrument features simple data export via USB in .csv and .xls formats.
  • It offers advanced connectivity options like USB C for charging and USB A port for data export.
  • The device features LIMS integration via WiFi, LAN/Ethernet (REST API PUSH)

Cutting-Edge Technology for Your Microbiology Research!


Beer-Lambert Law

The Beer-Lambert Law, also known as Beer’s Law, empirically relates the absorption of light to the properties of the sample. This law states that there is a logarithmic relationship between the transmission of light through a specific sample (T = I/Io with I = outgoing light and Io = incoming light), the molar extinction coefficient for a specific compound (ε), the concentration of the absorbing species in the material (c) and the distance the light travels (d). By leaving all conditions constant but changing the pathlength (distance the light travels), you can bend the Beer-Law to get an automatic dilution of your sample. This principle is realized within the NanoPhotometers® NP80 and C40 as well as Implen OD600® with DiluCell™.


Linear Range for OD600 Measurements

The linear range of an instrument used for OD600 measurements is crucial for accurately monitoring the entire growth cycle of microbial cultures. It is recommended that the instrument’s OD limit extends to at least 2.5 OD to encompass the full range of culture densities.
However, it’s important to note that high concentrations of dead cells can affect linearity, potentially skewing results. In such cases, sample dilutions may be necessary, ensuring parameters are carefully selected to maintain the instrument’s linearity across the desired range.

Automatic Sample Dilution with DiluCell™

To streamline OD600 measurements and mitigate the need for laborious manual dilutions, we offer DiluCell™ cuvettes. These innovative cuvettes reduce sample volume requirements and incorporate automatic virtual dilution capabilities.

With a unique design that shortens the light path to 1 mm (DiluCell™ 10), DiluCell™ cuvettes automatically leverage the Lambert-Beer Law to dilute samples by factor 10. This automated dilution process with DiluCell™ saves time, eliminates dilution errors, and safeguards against cross-contamination, ensuring precise and efficient OD600 measurements in microbiological research.


Expand Your Microbial Density Measurements with the New Implen OD600® and DiluCells™

The new Implen OD600® device measures up to 4 OD, providing an expanded range to accommodate a wider spectrum of microbial densities. Experience the efficiency and accuracy of Implen DiluCells™ for your OD600 measurements. Enhance your research capabilities with our cutting-edge solutions, empowering scientists with reliable tools for impactful discoveries.
*Certain restrictions or limitations apply. Please contact Support.
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